My next book isn't too far away so as Im flaffing around notes and such, thought I would turn one into a blog post (as its been a while)
Im also sitting on a 'Devil Possessed Christians Part 2 amongst nine other 'drafts' awaiting the Lords go ahead (Prov 16.3)
From the Wisdom Books commentary
Song of Solomon 2.3a -
As the apple tree among the trees of the wood,
so is my beloved among the sons.
I wonder if the Christian fable (2 Tim 4.4) of Eve eating an 'apple' comes from this verse. Its the 'bride' talking about Jesus in type. He's the 'chief tree' among the 'sons of god' (Job 38.7, Ezek 31.1-18, Judges 9.8-15) So the apple tree isn't the forbidden tree. Rightly dividing bible believers are clear and correct regarding it being the grape, from the tree of Satan (Gen 49.11, Deut 32.14, Ezek 31.1-18) which caused the fallen nature of man, causing the 'sinful blood' (Lev 17.11, John 6.53), to enter the human race and thus salvation being a much required 'blood transfusion' (Acts 20.28, Rom 3.25 & 5.9) from that great physician (Luke 4.22-23) when he spiritually circumcises us at the moment of salvation in his operating theatre. (Col 2.11-13) Like the woman with the 'blood issue' (Mark 5.25-34) we have to go to him to get fixed.
Now Christians either mixed this passage up with Satan in Gen 3.3-6 as they did Christ in Rev 19.11-16 with the Antichrist in Rev 6.2, which led to the mass delusion of falling for the occultic rainbow iconography that flooded the UK with covid and NHS worship, idolatry and adoration. (Ezek 14.3, 2 Kings 17.12, Psalm 106.36) Nearly every church locally that fell for it happens to be guilty of also mixing those two characters up. Isn't that interesting? Then theres also the issue with Laodicean hearts regarding 2 Tim 1.7, 1 Cor 14.33 & Prov 17.4.
^Blog posts on the topic ^
Very likely Satan, having read the script in heaven before his fall (Psalm 199.89) wanted to take that aspect for himself (disrespecting God in the process, like the scholars do with Rev 6.1 and Isa 14.12 in the new bibles). As he declared he wanted to be 'like the most high' in Isa 14, he meant it, as there wasn't one stone left unturned in that process. Every trait, tell, work, history, outlook, deed, and consideration from the Lord will be and has been (for the most part so far - but theres plenty yet to come!) counterfeited by Satan, to the point where the world and large swathes of the professing body of Christ cant tell the difference between the works of the two. (Which actually leads to Christians getting devil possessed as they generally dont think to 'try the spirits' - 1 John 4.1, 1 Thess 5.21)
I never realised that it had a proper name, but since I became a bible believer in 2018 (I was saved in march 2016, was a 'normie Presbyterian' while surrounded by vultures pushing British Israeliste material on me until 2018 when Mrs dodgy came across Robert breaker and Gene Kim on Youtube and the rest is history - Thanks Lord) I was unknowingly using a process in philosophy, which I've since learned, is called ‘Feyerabends ‘anti-method’ whereby you mentally delete all preconceived notions you have about something before you start studying it. Logic being, those preconceived notions, ideas and beliefs could and would influence what you're meant to learn about the subject.
Like can you imagine, if you never ever had heard of Donald Trump, then started doing a 'research paper' on the man, wouldnt it affect what you write compared to knowing what the world thinks of him now? It's very similar to when denominations believe their historic positions and doctrines over what the bible actually says. (And as I wrote in the note of Judges 18.19-20 in that commentary theres now a swath of Ruckmanites ending up falling for same logic sadly) They’re being influenced by preconceived notions that affect what they get out of revelation, and how they can process the new information afterwards, if any. (And as such chuck biblical truth out through the window of idolatrous blindness) So during reading the ‘Ruckman Reference Bible’ twice back in the year 2018 I did that method unknowingly, (basically deleting everything I'd heard about every biblical topic before starting) and I've came to know:
There was no ‘talking snake’ dealing with Eve in Eden. (2 Cor 11.14) Judges 13.1-7 show the set-up of the ultimate 'what could've been', if Eve have had run towards her husband for back up to the 'man' suddenly appearing due to 1 Peter 3.7 & 1 Tim 2.14. Notice in that Judges passage theres also involves a prophecy about a birth (Gen 3.15, 1 John 3:12!) 'Serpent' is a descriptive term for Ezek 1's 'missing cherub', find the rest in Rev 12.9.
Christmas and easter and all associated traditions and practices are anti-Christian.
The ‘book of life’ records people's physical life, not eternal life (See note on Psalm 109.14 in wisdom book commentary)
The moon gives off its own light (Two 'lights' in Gen 1.14, not one 'light and a 'reflector', Isa 13.10, Jer 31.35, Rev 21.23) and the so called 'craters' are either
-A result of ‘Star wars’ in Gen 6-11.
-The holes of a spongey plasma substance.
- A map of the world (and beyond) in a reflection (Job 37.18, 1 Cor 13.12) as seen here
Also this doesnt ruin the 'Christs light is in me as a Christian' scenario. If Im using a torch, and I give you another one, you use what Ive gave you to illuminate, you don't use mine to reflect off. As a Christian, Christs light is 'in me' (Eph 5.14) and its up to me (via yielding and growing - 1 John 1.7) to shine the light he's given me outward. That is not reflection. Thats illumination.
Marriages certainly do not happen in churches. <- Try clicking that link before complaining! Ceremonies do. (Although technically, the first technical 'church marriage' I'd ever heard of actually happened locally here 😐) Also, the 'blessing' of a human 'mediator' can be as hellish as an 'unholy matrimony.'
There's no such thing as planets as we know them, they're just wandering stars. (IE fallen angels - 2 Kings 23.5. In Jude 1.12-13, they're known as trees as well!)
“Viruses/Diseases” aren't spread from person to person. Can't recommend highly enough that the reader researches what's known as ‘Terrain theory’, and read the book ‘The Contagion Myth - Why Viruses (including Coronavirus) Are Not the Cause of Disease’ by Thomas S. Cowan. As angels promote pestilence in the bible. (2 Sam 24.15-17, See note on Psalm 91.6) Imagine if you didn't know how diseases work, (I.E do the Feyerabends ‘anti-method’) and then read Ex 9.8-11 & 32.20 & 35, Lev 14.34 & 43, Rev 16.2, do you see them actually being spread from person to person? I'll summarise the situation: they're not.
“Diseases” are in the air, and people walk through it. IF their gut health isn't good and immune systems damaged due to crap diet or other issues, they’ll fall prey to its effects. I, by God's grace, have been given several opportunities to test this out, and it's true. (spending extended time witnessing to folk with so-called contagious diseases over the years). This includes 5G electro-smog, by the way. When 1g came out after the first world war, the so-called 'Spanish flu' happened, strange that isnt it? PLEASE READ Psalm 91.6&10, Dan 11.38, Eph 2.2. It's how missionaries that work in Leper colonies can manage not getting it at times. When the Holy Spirit wrote about science in 1 Tim 6.20, he MEANT it. I was led to research this during the first covid scare as I worked in and among the public at that time, knew from the news it was demonic and fraudulent by nature, and when I was the only one able to go about my job during a rush hour of human traffic the Lord repeated the verses of Psalm 91.6&10 verbatim in my mind several times during it (and I hadn't read the Psalms anywhere near the time it happened), and that night when I got home I asked for the truth on it due to John 17.17. Basically, look whats doing the travelling and the walking. It isn't people.
Also, cancer isnt a 'disease', its an affliction.
I recommend researching whats known ‘terrain theory’. Start with the googling the term ‘Louis Pasteur Claude Bernard’ and for now, while you're here, have a gander at what helps you keep your ‘terrain’ healthy;
Eat real food.
Make sure you have enough micronutrients.
Maximise oxygen delivery to your cells.
Get adequate unmedicated sleep. Exercise in moderation.
Optimise your vitamin D status.
Balance your autonomic nervous system.
Hardly bad advice.
Lightwaves come from eyes out, not atmosphere in (Prov 15.30, Psalm 38.10, Matt 6.22-23) PLEASE READ AND PRAY OVER THIS AMAZING ARTICLE (and its comments)
That most of this list of "Pseudo science" has biblical backing, especially that the gut is the second brain (Prov 3.8 - think of 'gut instincts') and your heart can think. Google 'organ donation memories' and have a gander at the reports. Theres more to the likes of Gen 6.5, Isa 10.7, Prov 23.7 than the face value. (When isnt there when it comes to that beautiful book!) My sincere thanks goes to David Hoffman for showing me, and thus the Lord guiding me, to clearly see that;
Science = world, which the Bible calls false (1 Tim 6.20)
Pseudo science = Bible, which the world calls false. (2 Cor 4.4)
And thus one of the worst study bibles is Henry Morris' due to the 'creationists' idolatry of said 'science'.
There was no ‘one third’ of the angels rebelling in the gap, neither was it being ‘hit by the dragon's tail’ that caused a 'fall' of sorts (Isa 9.15 - Folk are strange y’know!)
The war in Rev 12 is in space, (Judges 5.20) not the third heaven. That chapter has no 'angelic rebellion' either, it's just a third of Satan's own coming down to earth (Take me to your leader)
Satan as the ‘Covering cherub’ doesn't mean he ever covered God in heaven, (as if he needed a bodyguard, seriously?) Think on the infamous pentagram, occultists stand at 5 points and put something in the middle, copying God's position as the 5 cherubs surrounded the throne, before Lucifer's fall (The 'Jedi temple' in star wars franchise has the exact same thing, including a cross in the middle!). Also, The idea that Satan (who was one of these beasts) covered, instead of covereth in the current, present tense, as the bible says, would put him higher than the Lord Jesus Christ, being below him positionally. Wonder who came up with that idea, wanting to ascend in stature above the Lord? He currently ‘covereth’ the world spiritually as a tree. (In Ezek 31, Satan in his tree form hasnt been 'felled' yet) Rev 12.9 has ‘deceiveth’ in present tense, which proves the ‘covereth’ is present tense somewhere as well. Which is why his cherub logo on ambulances and medical corps has a big stick in the middle, that is his trunk. It's in the north pole, (the centre of a stationary geocentric earth) ends with the ‘north star’ (alpha draconis - chief dragon) and is why that place is a magnetic anomaly hotspot according to history. (Eph 2.2, Dan 11.38)
Old maps are better (Jer 6.16a) Here's one - You know when he tried to ascend up to Gods throne? 1. How could he do that if he's already able to go ‘above’ God while covering him, and 2. Luke 12.25 takes a deeper meaning when Satan's ascension may have just been actual tree growth! Read Ezek 31.10 and remember that it starts a pre-gap passage, but ends up at the second advent.
In the gap period, in Cain's society and in Noah's time were all highly futuristic in their technology and highly advanced people. No ‘cavemen’ of any sort. Humanity is in a state of DE-volution, not E-volution (See note on Ecc 1.19-11)
The angels of Gen 6 and Job 1 are Satan's own, angels, known worldwide as reptilians.
Although Ive wrote over my commentaries about the many demonic things and rampant occultism running through hollywood, according to Gen 6.4, Num 16.2, Psalm 136.18, Heb 13.2 there are famous actors in the entertainment industry who either aren't human, aren't quite human, are are completely possessed by things that were disembodied in the flood. The Lords choice of words were 'famous' and 'entertain'(ment) in those verses. And do not get me started on the Holy-wood and its 'stars'!
The king James Bible is the pure, holy, inspired, perfect word of God and its evidence is completely empirical with 1 Thess 2.13 and the activities of the Philidelphian church age compared to Laodicea.
Speaking of inspiration, (again, a current tense situation with the word 'is' in 2 Tim 3.16) Dan 3.29, 6.25-27 & Esther 8.8-13 were translations from Chaldean and Persian (one) into Hebrew and Aramaic (two), which you now read in English. (Three.) So, let's have a count up. One inspiration, two inspiration, three inspiration. That means triple inspiration. That means ‘translations’ IE the King James Bible itself, a translation, can be, and IS inspired. Scholar, the ‘lexicon’ you hold to in order to change the KJB to suit yourself, is not. (Job 32:.8, 2 Tim 3.16)
Theres no tribulation period per se, theres Daniel's 70th week (Dan 9.24-27), The beginning of Sorrows (Mark 13.8) and the time of Jacobs Trouble (Jer 30.7). The clock of which was ticking in Christs earthly ministry right up until Pentecost. All of which will kick off after the rapture of Christians. Also the idea of calling it a 'secret rapture' is a misnomer, as theres really nothing secret about it. At all.
Nobody ever 'looked forward to the cross' in the old testament to 'get saved.' The local prooftext I heard once against that was John 3.1-13 regarding Nicodemus. I still cant find his salvation anywhere in that passage however, unless its implied by the actions of John 19.39. But then Ive heard the same logic regarding Pilate.
Because when I heard responses to my Gospels commentary years ago and sermons found on my channel on the matter since my local Christians had this sudden flaffy opposition to the notion as they jump to 'multiple ways to get saved outside of Christ! you new age heathen! arrrghraghegher!! (and I get it, I just dont get why they want to cling to a belief while running on emotion rather than taking time to hear out an apposing, biblical truth to their 'historic positions' but meh.)
So anyway, Jesus Christ was the ‘firstborn of God’ (Col 1.18) So nobody before Jesus’ earthly birth was ever ‘born again’ as we Christians are. Wouldn't just John 7.39 prove that? The idea of anyone ‘looking forward to the cross’ is ‘clean mental’ as demonstrated by the complete ignorance of Jesus' own disciples and even their own denial of such across the four gospels themselves. (Matt 16.21-23, Mark 9.10 & 31-32, Luke 9.44-45, 18.31-34, John 20.8-9) not to mention 1 Peter 1.10-12! Also, as I once told an Andersonite (Boy I sure do find them!) while doing a Nehemiah prayer (Neh 2.4-5 - instantaneous before giving answer) The matter of dispensational salvations (especially before the NT) is like this -
Nightclub opens at 8, you need a ticket to get in. So you get a ticket, and you turn up at 7. what happens? Well, doors open at 8. You need somewhere to wait for an hour. So you can do nothing about actually getting in, because theres no open door to get through yet, (John 10.9) so you have no choice but to 'rest' in the car park. (Luke 16.22) That ticket, having been paid for by something you've done, (Hab 2.4) is now 'remissed' (Heb 10.4) but only when you speak to the big bouncer when he's ready, with the keys at the door (Rev 1.18, 1 Peter 4.6) and get your wee stamp, can you get that ticket 'redeemed.' (Heb 9.12, Eph 4.8, Col 1.14) Oh and at 8 o'clock, Do you know what the place sounds like when you walk in? Like a football stadiums goal celebration that you've never even heard the likes of in this world, according to 1 Cor 2.9, Luke 15.10 & Rev 19.1-4.
You know whats even better? After 8, with the door open and all his work done, he starts giving out free tickets to everyone that asks! (Rom 3.24, Luke 14.23, Matt 20.11-13)
Noahs ark wasn't a boat at all. It was an ARK. If it meant a boat' the Holy Spirit would've said that. (Like the way he used the same writer to write circle and ball in the same book, as found in Isa 40.22 & 22.18 - if one had meant the other... <cough cough!>)
The word 'Boat' is in the bible 6 times, 'Ship' is in it 36 times.
In Deut 3.19 The levites are 'baring' it, (Notice the term appears in Gen 7.17) and in Josh 3.15-17 they are baring it while a flood happens, which 'returns' in Josh 4.18. After reading Numbers 10.33-35 I couldn't help but always picture it flying, instead of floating. Then... Mardis & Tillis. Hmmmmm..