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Living as a Christian

Writer's picture: Bible Believer TUBEBible Believer TUBE

From John Davis 'Christian Soldiers Battle Notes'

Available here

1) Get as much Scripture into you as you can. Read the Bible daily no matter how busy you are,daily, no excuses. Ask God to help you understand the Scriptures - Luke 24v45, Ps 1, Jer 17v5-8

2) Pray from your heart, asking the Lord to help you in every decision you make. Ask Him to open and close doors, and to guide you through all opportunities and situations. Ask Him to help you with every job and task; ask Him to help you change, to be the person He wants you to be. Ask Him to bless you in every area of your life so that you can be the best ambassador for Him as possible (2 Cor 5v20). Ask for help in your relationships i.e. wife, husband, family, friends, colleagues, employer etc.

3) Seek the Lord with all your heart, that He will use you in your life to reach the lost souls of this world. Get serious with God especially in regard to reaching lost sinners with the Gospel. Ask Him to give you the sincerity and compassion you ought to have. Are you really prepared to change?

4) Be a true testimony and witness for the Lord Jesus Christ, not just at church, but at work and in the home. Let others see Jesus Christ in you. Col 3v17+23, 1 Cor 10v31

5) Seize every opportunity to testify for the Lord – Don’t let one pass you by, and ask the Lord to give you the strength and courage you need to take a stand. You may have to stand against your own friends and family for the Lord. Don’t even think about it, do it, always put the Lord first. (Gal 1v10, Mat 23v2+3+7, Acts 5v9, Rom 3v4, Acts 4v18-20, 1 Thes 2v4, James 4v4)

6) Please Him in every area of your life, even if it means losing friends because of Him. I tell you this… you won’t be sorry in the long run! Acts 17v2+17 (Ps 27v10, Ps 68v5+6, Job 19v14, Rom 7v4, Isa 40v11, Prov 18v24, Heb 2v11)

7) Don’t compromise! Ask God to help you not to compromise. If you start to, you will find

yourself doing it more and more, and you’ll backslide, and this will lead into a downward

spiral. You will end up not taking a stand for the Lord, and you will lose your voice as a Christian witness for Him. Fight ‘compromise’ with every ounce of strength in your being! Col 1v18, 1 Cor 10v31, Col 3v17+23, Rom 14v8, 1 Pet 4v11, Ecc 9v10

8) Live a holy life walking in the Spirit – Gal 5v16, James 1v12-15, Col 1v18, Gal 5v25, Rom 8v1+4, Rom 13v14, 1 Cor 10v13

9) Get active in the Lord’s work! Sow tracts everywhere you can from junk-mail-envelopes that are prepaid, to leaving them in telephone boxes, pushing them through letterboxes, leaving them in libraries, doctor’s surgeries, cafes etc. This is just one example. There is so much to do.

10) Get involved in church work – offer to help your pastor, support all the meetings, get involved in outreach. Get committed to the work of the Lord. Acts 13v2 (When did you last fast? How serious are you regarding the Lord Jesus Christ?)

11) Don’t worry about losing friends along the way. If you really do live like a Christian should i.e. you love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul and strength (Mat 12v30), you will find other Christians are envious, jealous and feel bitter towards you, because you are convicting them and putting them to shame. In this case, do just two things… 1) Extend an offer for them to get involved and come and help. If they refuse, go to point two… 2) Dump them.

12) Talk to the Lord about absolutely everything, from the most vital and sensitive, to the

mundane. He wants every part of you, and wants to help you in every area of your life. Pour

out (Ps 62v8) your deepest emotions; cry, ‘shout’ if need be, but get the deepest relationship

you can with the Lord, and ask Him to lead and guide you throughout your life. If you have

marriage problems, relationship problems, work problems, habitual sins you’re finding hard to stop, struggle with laziness, anything and everything, pour out your deepest and most inner emotions to the Lord. We as human beings are too quick to judge, and we lack compassion and understanding. He doesn’t, He understands, therefore talk to Him - Ps 62v8

13) Love him with every fibre of your being - Read Rom 12

14) Try your hardest to treat everyone around you as the Lord would. Do every job and task for the Lord. If you have to clean, paint, tidy up, give someone a lift, cook a meal etc. do it without murmuring… for the Lord. Phil 2v14.

15) Thank Him continually – 2 Cor 9v11, Phil 4v6, 1 Thes 5v18

16) Beware of bad women (Prov 1+5+7) and bad men (Prov 1+2+3)

17) Pay attention to your inner thought life – Ps 19v14

18) Keep your sins judged and confessed – 1 Cor 10 + 11

19) Watch your temper – James 1v19

20) Forgive quickly, and don’t harbour grudges – James 5v9, Eph 4v32

21) Abstain from all appearance of evil – 1 Thes 5v22

22) Do not try to compete with other Christians, God gives us all a work to do.

23) Don’t try to be somebody you’re not – Gal 6v3

24) Be on your guard at all times – 1 Pet 5v8

25) Keep your armour on – Eph 6

26) Make each day count for the Lord. Get something out of every day.

These are just a few thoughts to help you in your own Christian walk.


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