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Writer's picture: Bible Believer TUBEBible Believer TUBE

50 Evidences for the Pre-Trib Rapture

1. The early church believed in the imminency of the Lord’s return. While it can be debated which church father said what, there is a consistency in the early church on imminency which is essential to the Pre-Trib position and in opposition to some other positions.

2. The Pre-Trib position is the only one which truly teaches imminency.

3. The fact that there is a greater development of the doctrine in recent centuries does

not preclude it from the early centuries. In the very early years of the church you see the

development of great fundamental doctrines of Trinity, Deity, God-Man, canon of Scripture,

etc. Following those early church councils is a time of decline of the corporate church into

great apostasy. The teachings of that time are built on many of the heresies of Augustine.

When the Reformation comes, there is a period of re-establishing the foundational doctrine

of salvation. Now, in these last days there is both an ability and a need in the church to better understand the doctrines of eschatology and the Spirit is continuing His ministry of guiding the church into all truth.

4. The exhortation to be comforted by the ‘coming of the Lord’ (1 Thes 4v18) is valid only in the context of the Pre-Trib view. It could even be a fearsome thing in a Post-Trib view.

5. We are exhorted to look for the ‘Glorious Appearing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’ (Titus 2v13). If there are any prophetic events (i.e., Tribulation) to come first, then this passage is nonsensical.

6. Again, we are to ‘purify ourselves’ in view of his coming (1 John 3v2-3). If His coming is not

imminent then the passage is meaningless.

7. The church is told ‘only’ to look for the Coming of Christ. It is Israel and the tribulation saints that are told to look for signs.

Nature of the Church

(Those who do not understand the nature of the church as unique in the program of God will

continually be confused about the nature of His coming for the church.)

8. The translation of the church is never mentioned in any context dealing with the Second

Coming of Christ at the end of the Tribulation.

9. The church is ‘not appointed to wrath’ (Rom 5v9, 1 Thes 1v9-10). The church cannot enter into the ‘great day of their wrath.’

10. The church will not be ‘overtaken by the Day of the Lord’ (1 Thes 5v1-9). Day of the Lord is another term for the Great Tribulation.

11. The church will be ‘kept from the hour of testing that shall come upon all the world’ (Rev 3v10).

12. The believer will escape the Tribulation (Luke 21v36).

13. It is in the character of God to deliver His own from the greatest times of trial (Lot, Rahab,

Israel, Noah, etc.).

14. It is clear that there is a time interval between the translation of the church and the Return of Christ (John 14v3).

15. Only the Pre-Trib position does not divide the Body of Christ on a works principle as does partial Rapture so clearly and others to a lesser extent. It becomes a climactic finale to the grand plan of salvation by grace alone.

16. The Scriptures are adamant that the church is undivided. In this age the church is divided by the continuing old nature in the believers. When we are glorified at the coming of Christ, the church is no more divided.

17. The godly remnant of the Tribulation has the attributes seen in OT Israel and not the church. The church is not present in the prophecies of Revelation.

18. The Pre-Trib view, unlike the Post-Trib view, does not confuse terms like elect and saints which apply to believers of all ages, as opposed to terms like church and in Christ, which apply only to those who are the Body of Christ in this age.

The Work of the Holy Spirit

19. The Holy Spirit is the Restrainer of evil in the world. He cannot be taken out as prophesied unless the church which is indwelt by the Holy Spirit is taken out.

20. The Holy Spirit will be taken out before the ‘lawless one’ is revealed. That lawless one will

certainly be revealed in the tribulation. In fact, the tribulation begins with the signing of the

covenant between that lawless one and Israel. That act will reveal him.

21. The ‘falling away’ in 2 Thes 2v3 would better be understood in its context as ‘the departure.’ This is a reference to the departure of the Holy Spirit as He indwells the church.

22. The work of the Holy Spirit making the church like Christ where they submit to death and

persecution, whereas the OT saints (see many of the Psalms) and the Tribulation saints cry out for vengeance (Rev 6v10).

The Hermeneutical Argument

23. Only the Pre-Trib view allows for a truly literal interpretation in all of the OT and NT passages regarding the Great Tribulation.

24. Only the Pre-Trib position clearly distinguishes the church and Israel and God’s dealing with each, and the necessity of an interval of time between the Rapture and the Second Coming.

25. All believers must appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Cor 5v10). This event is never mentioned in the account of events surrounding the Second Coming.

26. The ‘four and twenty elders’ in Rev 4v1 - 5v14 are representative of the church. Therefore

it is necessary that the church, undivided, be brought to glory before those events of the


27. There is clearly a coming of Christ for his bride before the Second Coming to earth (Rev 19v7-10).

28. Tribulation saints are not translated at the Second Coming of Christ but carry on ordinary

activities. These specifically include farming, construction, and giving birth (Isa 65v20-25).

29. The Judgment of the Gentile nations following the Second Coming (Mat 25v31-46) indicates that both the saved and the lost are in a natural body which would be impossible if the

translation had taken place at the Second Coming.

30. If the translation took place at the same time as the Second Coming, there would be no need to separate the sheep from the goats at the subsequent judgment. The act of the translation would be the separation.

31. The Judgment of Israel (Ezek 20v34-38) occurs after the Second Coming and requires a

regathered Israel. Again, the separation of the saved and the lost would be unnecessary if all

the saved had previously been separated by a translation at the Second Coming.

Differences between the Rapture and the Second Coming

32. At the Rapture, the church meets Christ in the air. At the Second Coming, Christ returns to the Mt. of Olives.

33. At the time of the Rapture, the Mt. of Olives is unchanged. At the Second Coming it is divided, forming a valley east of Jerusalem.

34. At the time of the Rapture, saints are translated. No saints are translated at the time of the Second Coming.

35. At the time of the Rapture, the world is not judged for sin, but descends deeper into sin. At the Second Coming, the world is judged by the King of kings.

36. The translation of the church is pictured as a deliverance from the day of wrath, whereas the coming of Christ is a deliverance for those who have suffered under severe tribulation.

37. The Rapture is imminent whereas there are specific signs which precede the Second Coming.

38. The translation of living believers is a truth revealed only in the NT. The Second Coming with the events surrounding it is prominent in both the OT and NT.

39. The Rapture is only for the saved, while the tribulation and Second Coming deals with the entire world.

40. No unfulfilled prophecy stands between the church and the Rapture. Many signs must be

fulfilled before the Second Coming of Christ.

41. No passage in either OT or NT deals with the resurrection of the saints at the Second Coming nor mentions the translation of living saints at that same time.

The Nature of the Tribulation

42. Only the Pre-Trib view maintains the distinction between the ‘Great Tribulation’ and the

tribulations in general which we all experience.

43. The Great Tribulation is properly understood in the Pre-Trib view as a preparation for the

restoration of Israel (Deut 4v29+30, Jer 30v4-11, Dan 9v24-27, Dan 12v1-2).

44. Not one single passage in the OT which discusses the Tribulation, mentions the church.

45. Not one single passage in the NT which discusses the Tribulation, mentions the church.

46. In contrast to Mid-Trib or Pre-Wrath views, the Pre-Trib view offers an adequate explanation for the beginning of the Great Tribulation in Rev 6. These others are clearly refuted by the plain teaching of Scripture that the Great Tribulation begins long before the 7th trumpet of Rev 11.

47. There is no proper groundwork providing that the 7th trumpet of Rev is the last trumpet of 1 Cor 15. It is accepted only on the basis of assumption. The Pre-Trib view maintains the proper distinction between the prophetic trumpets of the church and the trumpets of the Tribulation.

48. The unity of Daniel’s 70th week is maintained by the Pre-Trib view. By contrast, the Mid-Trib view destroys the unity and confuses the program for Israel and the church. The Post-Trib view usually denies the clear teaching of the 70 weeks by subverting it into some form or another of allegory.

49. The gathering of saints after the Tribulation is done by angels whereas the gathering of the church is done by ‘The Lord Himself.’

50. Rev 22v17-20 And the Spirit and the Bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come ... He which testifieth these things saith:

‘Surely, I come quickly. AMEN. Even so, come, LORD JESUS.

And for those already saved....



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