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Ulster (Part 3)

Writer's picture: Bible Believer TUBEBible Believer TUBE

Updated: Aug 5, 2023

That time of the year again.

The irish can have their harps, I'm getting ready now as I click publish to hear the real 'heavenly sound' that angels obviously play. Ulsters Lambeg.

"The Lambeg drum is, together with the bagpipe, one of the loudest acoustic instruments in the world, frequently reaching over 120 dB" - Wiki

As I said, heavenly. Downright majestic, really. :D


" The descendants of the scots-irish today in the US are majority Baptist, secondly Methodist and thirdly Presbyterian "

American author William H Hunter

" The paradoxical fact regrading the Scotch-irish is that they are very little scotch and much less irish. They brought to America no submissive love for England... their experience and their religion alike bade them meet opposition with prompt resistance."

19th century American historian George Bancroft

" The classification between the Scotch-irish and the Irish are two distinctive race stocks. I believe this distinction is a sound one, both historically and scientifically "

19th century American statesman Henry Cabot Lodge - & click the map that proves it here as I posted in "Ulster part 2"

"With a stern, fatalistic religion to keep their impetuosity in check, the Scots-Irish combined an intense and ingenious practicality, shrewdness and a long grasp for life's tangibles. From their habituation to clan warfare in the ancestral home and to battling the wild Celts in Ulster,* they brought with them a fighting instinct and aggressiveness and a handiness with weapons." - Billy Kennedy, author

*Note two races!

"Wherever the Ulster folk have gone, the breath of the North has followed them. Masterful and independent from the beginning, masterful and independent they remained; inflexible in purpose, impatient of injustice, and staunch in their ideals". - Henderson, English historian


The people from Ulster who arrived in America in the early 18th century were soon to find that there was to be much opposition and resentment to their settling in particular areas. A lack of goodwill was often sensed by them and this sometimes showed itself in unfriendly remarks to them by some of those already settled there. These, on occasions, called into question their nationality, In one recorded incident a resident official spoke in a slighting way to some new arrivals terming them “a parcel of Irish,”

“We are surprised to hear ourselves termed Irish people, when we so frequently ventured our all for the British Crown and liberties, and are always ready to do the same when required. We are people of the Scottish race in Ulster, who have given our strength and substance and our lives to uphold the British connection there, It is hard in this new land to be identified with the very people to whom we have always been opposed.”

Thus angrily and emphatically objected one of the Ulster clergymen to the disparaging remark. He had landed in 1718 in Massachusetts along with some 800 of his fellow-countrymen. He, himself, like many who had sailed with him, had taken an active part in the defence of Londonderry. It must have been extremely galling to veterans of the heroic stand in the “Maiden City”, to be classed as similar in race to those who had been attacking it and trying to drive them out of Ulster. This careless lumping together of the two distinct races by the official has often been repeated, and has led to much misunderstanding and, even more misrepresentation. It has, especially in America, been very much to the detriment of those of Ulster Scottish blood.

As result of the protest on that occasion and of others later, the settlers from the red hand Province came to be known in America as the Scotch-Irish. Whilst this term did make a distinction between them and the Celtic Irish, It has often been taken as a combination of the two races, part Irish; part Scottish. It is a great pity the term used had not more correctly been used “Ulster Scots” as it would surely have been more accurate and would have prevented in latter times, the Southern Irish and the so-called Irish-Americans from falsely claiming outstanding Ulster Scottish achievements in America to their advantage.

All of the book can be read here.


"When a newscast is put through every hour on the hour (from every network in this country) and you are told about the problem in “North Ireland,” there is not one Bible-believing Protestant in the world that is allowed to stand up and tell you that

North Ireland is not North Ireland - North Ireland is called ULSTER.

Now, there are a bunch of people who think Ulster should be called NORTH IRELAND, but

those are not the people that live there: at least, not the majority."

Peter S. Ruckman in pg 69 of THEOLOGICAL STUDIES VOL. 2, 1998

(who got his Ulster nationalism from Ian Paisley, ironically enough, the great, big, radical revolutionary that he was ;p )

One thing I must correct, unless in the USA it was indeed known as 'North' but everywhere else its 'Northern'. And how did you get Protestants to accept it? Simple. Make them worship football instead of God, then make their National teams colors green and blue, its logo have 4 shamrocks in a Celtic cross with the word 'ireland' in it, and never worry sure its the teams flag is the still the ulster banner! Yippee!

Only once did I ever hear of a guy saying 'Thats not my country represented on the pitch there, when internationals are playing I support Scotland, not this team.'

Same goes for rugby, make the Protestants support an 'Ulster' thats part of the irish nation when they play. Slick.

Here's how it works:

Im Canadian. Oh is that Northern American? No Im Canadian.

Im Portuguese. Oh is that Western Spanish? No Im Portuguese.


Im from eastern Scotland. Oh cool you're Scottish!

im from western Wales. Oh cool you're Welsh!

Im from southern England. Oh cool you're English!

im from 'Northern ireland'. Oh cool your.. A nation of humanistic atheists by all practical accounts ready to dander into a big green socialist-catholic irish bog apparently.

The common marxist cultural subversive tactic of 'unity blend unity mush unity unity unity unity' from our elites was tried, tested and perfected here a long, long time before the rest of the west got it. (2 Kings 3.7, Psalm 106.35, 2 Cor 6.17, Eph 5.11, Titus 1.11, Rev 2.14 & 13.2)

BTW, the term 'Protestant' is really a descriptive term for any white, home-grown Ulsterman that isn't Roman catholic in this country, not necessary saved, religious or even have a single clue why their even called such.

As I've wrote in my upcoming commentary -

Protestant and Catholic aren’t mainly religious terms here anymore, it's cultural. Both sides are as atheistic as each other, but both cultures in this country had their beginnings in religious backgrounds. Basically when I call myself an ‘Ulster Protestant’ it means ‘One with British (mainly Scottish) heritage who isnt Roman Catholic’. I write this as I know the term ‘Protestant’ sometimes scares the ‘Baptist’ in American Ruckmanites. You see, There are two main sides, each with a main subdivision.

  • Ulster Protestant - Pro british, in favour of keeping the union with the UK. Usually (but not always) pro-royalist.

  • A subdivision includes Ulster nationalist (myself personally) - in favour of an independent Ulster, (culturally, as politically its over since late 2019 <2 Chron 19.2>) tends to put more emphasis on our American, historical and rural connections and culture rather than towards the British mainland, dubious of anything politically English and/or royal.

  • Irish Catholic - Anti British, wants Ulster to be in union with the Republic of ireland instead. Usually (but not always) very pro-EU.

  • A subdivision is the Irish Catholic unionist - mainly business class catholics who secretly vote DUP who know they will be a lot better off materially by keeping the Queens head on their money. (I know of catholic farmers who vote for the TUV).

There are more subdivisions, but I'm keeping it simple for the 70% international audience that read this blog.

For further reading, I'll repeat -

Ulster Part 1

Ulster Part 2


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