In the vein of Romans 13 and Obeying the Government, Her Maj and If I Were a Pastor
Its been brought to my attention (especially by American readers) that the term 'libertarian' is often mistakenly confused with the American libertarian political party, or 'libertine-ism' (Freedom to be degenerate without restraint- 2 Peter 2.10). Both of those things are NOT whats been described. Neither is it the 'Anti-Tax'movement.
We know that conservative, evangelical, and fundamentalist churches are some of the worst offenders when it comes to heaping praise on the military on one of the three American military appreciation days: Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Veterans Day.
For many years now, I have harshly criticized the military blasphemy and idolatry that takes place in many of these churches on the Sundays before Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Veterans Day. Woe be to the Christian who happens to be in one of these "patriotic" services when the Fourth of July or Veterans Day falls on a Sunday! These are high holy days to Christian patriots.
I won’t recount here all the blasphemy and idolatry that takes place on these Sundays or on the extra military appreciation Sundays that some churches have throughout the year. See my many articles on Christianity and the State, Christianity and War, and Christianity and the Military. What I want us to do is just imagine the attitude of the early church toward Veterans Day.
The early Christians did not initially meet in church buildings. But when they did meet, can you imagine the following things taking place?
Can you imagine the early church making apologies for the Roman empire?
Can you imagine the early church inviting a Roman senator to speak in their assembly?
Can you imagine the early church singing hymns of praise to the Roman empire?

Can you imagine the early church adorning their bodies or their meeting places with the insignias, emblems, and banners of the Roman empire?
Can you imagine the early church recognizing Roman soldiers in attendance?
Can you imagine the early church having a Roman soldier speak in their assembly?
Can you imagine the early church pledging allegiance to the Roman emperor?
Can you imagine the early church praying for Roman soldiers serving in harm’s way in the far reaches of the Roman empire?
Can you imagine the early church singing “God Bless the Roman Empire”?
Can you imagine the early church having Roman soldiers march through the middle of their gathering?
Can you imagine the early church thanking Roman soldiers for their service?
Can you imagine the early church crediting Roman soldiers for their freedom to worship?
Can you imagine the early church calling Roman soldiers returning from a tour of duty heroes?
Can you imagine the early church having a Roman soldier appreciation day?
Can you imagine the early church applauding Christians who expressed a desire to join the Roman army?
I didn’t think so. Neither can I.
Minarchism is simple. Its the idea that you cant enforce morality via the state (which is currently immoral in and of itself - Dan 4.17, John 17.9) as kingdom building Calvinists (or the 'religious right') try to do, but instead, as a Christian, you say 'Hi government! I wont bother you if you don't bother me! you do you, I'll do me, sound square?' (Rom 12.1-21)
'Hmmph!' says the state as he carries on digging. (Psalm 9.17, Amos 9:2)
'Super!' says the Christian, as he carries on living for Christ, reading his King James bible, and winning souls. (1 Cor 3.11-13)
The world calls this 'small government'. Christians can call this an answer to the prayer found in 1 Tim 2.1-2.
Read more Laurence M. Vance articles at Lew Rockwell
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And regarding Libertarianism, worry not I'm not going by the wayside and becoming 'political' all of a sudden, anybody can be see that slant through my commentaries if you've read them - Ive personally been a Right-Libertarian and Minarchist for years.
A great reading on the subject of church vs state is found in Clarence Larkins classic 'Why I am a Baptist'
Furthermore anybody getting into libertarianism (Its exploding at the minute, as our liberties are being stripped in preparation for Daniels 70th week) or wanting to know more, remember to keep your eye on the Lord and funnel EVERYTHING YOU HEAR, SEE AND READ THROUGH GODS WORD. The Authorized king James Bible.
As a false balance is an abomination (Prov 11.1) as rightly stated by Dennis knowles:
My commentary on Prov 29.12 - So if the rulers are corrupt, those that enforce their unjust laws are too. Evil goes from top-down in Ezek 8.17 which results in Ezek 9.9. Ironic that a 'civil servant' in the UK is the title for any government employee. The police tend to claim to serve and protect the 'will of the people' but in reality are bound to serve their government's interests, not the citizens. Ask the soldiers who realised too late they were fighting for something other than 'freedom from the boogieman of that decade's choice' Taliban? Russia? China? WMDs? How'd that go again? Pawns on the Mason Jesuits chessboard, please reader, don't join in. I respect most police and military, they very often tend to be harder, better men than I, but I couldn't work for their employer for a minute with a clear conscience. I've told this to a few (1 police, 3 soldiers to be exact) when the topic comes up, they strangely never disagree with my view.
After having been born again after my discharge from the military, I find the "God and country" mentality quite displeasing. Christians don't even realize the irony of these celebrations of the blasphemous, Israel-hating, civil rights toting, warmongering governments. If only they'd put as much pride and excitement in their Lord. Have some respect for the governing powers that be. But don't worship them. Have some respect for the Lord and give Him all the praise.
I'll tell you what really irks me... Saying pledge of allegiance to a flag that was only a representation of that gov. following the Bible. This gov is now anti-Christian. Why
are you still pledging allegiance to it? Your allegiance should be to Jesus and His
Words- nothing else.